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Instructions for Authors

Before submitting, please read our instructions for authors. To submit the paper, create a user account as author and submit the paper in the author section of your user homepage. A Word-template of an article compatible with journals from JMIR Publications can be downloaded from Note that the references can be in any format, as long as the in-text citations are sequentially numbered in the manuscript with square brackets and as long as the reference at the end has a PMID in the format PMID:123456. See Instructions for Authors for details. .

If you submit a new challenge/competition document as solution-seeker, sponsor of an award, challenge award, please follow our template for solution seekers.

If you submit a solution in response to a challenge/competition document, please review the competition document for specific requirements.

As a service for our authors we now offer the possibility to have a submission considered in partner journals, which means that the manuscript and peer-review reports may be transferred to a JMIR sister/partner journal, if the paper is not found suitable for publication in JMIR, but is publishable in another journal. These journals include e.g. i-JMR, JMIR Res Protoc, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, JMIR Medical Informatics, JMIR Human Factors, JMIR Mental Health, JMIR Public Health, JMIR Cancer, Medicine 2.0 and others. The submission fee for that partner journal (if any) will be waived, and transfer of the peer-review reports may mean that the paper does not have to be re-reviewed. Authors will receive a notification when the manuscript is rejected for J Med Internet Res and transferred, and at that time can decide if they want to pursue publication in a sister/partner journal. If authors do NOT wish an automatic transfer to an alternative journal after rejection for JMIR, this should be noted in the cover letter.