Publishing Policies

Editorial Board Policy

Purpose: The Editorial Board is a group of outstanding individuals committed to helping JMIR to produce an excellent multidisciplinary scientific publication of the highest quality

Selection criteria for EB members: Editorial Board members are appointed by the publisher/editor-in-chief for a 3-year-term that is renewable. Editorial Board members should have reviewed for JMIR and should have published at least one article in JMIR. Editorial Board members should not sit on editorial boards of competing journals during their term, but exceptions are possible. Nominations for Editorial Board appointments come from a variety of sources including self-nominations, the current Editorial Board, journal authors, and readers. The editorial board should constitute an appropriate interdisciplinary mix from a wide range of disciplines, including health care researchers, researchers from the engineering sciences, social sciences, and even patient representatives. EB members should be productive and respected members of the scientific community. In addition, JMIR is actively looking for consumer presentation on its board. Being an editorial board member for JMIR means that actual work is required, so EB members should have appropriate time and motivation.

Main responsibilities • General advocacy for open access publishing in general and publishing high-quality work in JMIR specifically • Strategic and operational advice (unsolicited, as well as in editorial board meetings) • Guiding papers in their area of expertise through the peer-review process. Individuals interested in joining the Editorial Board should read the FAQ Article How to become an EB member.